Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mardi Gras Stamp Activity

Well, it was supposed to turn out to be a beautiful, Mardi Gras mask on the students' take-home papers, but the non-artistic OT didn't realize how gloppy the finger paint would be and how it would obscure the details of the stamp.  Oh well...
The hard-working teacher for middle school students with intellectual disabilities provided lots of cool Mardi Gras bling:

I made a stamp of a short mask and we used purple, red and gold (AKA yellow) paint to stamp a mask on the handouts.

The print (second, below) created by spreading a thin layer of yellow paint on the foam stamp design looked the most like a mask.
Mardi Gras butterfly???
Next time I need to make the carved layer of foam a little higher, so the paint only contacts the raised foam and not the wood block foundation. 

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