However, if you're interested in experimenting with economical ways for you and other team members to make enticingly-textured fidget mats for students who need to have something quiet to do with their hands while they learn, then read on.
Step One: Go to a friend's yard sale and buy a whole pack of soft, pre-cut fleecy-material for 25 cents.
Next, pick the color that matches your student's personality and tastes, then find two suitable slide-y things to insert in the future fidget mat:
Fold the fabric in half, like a book:
Sew the outside edges together with a straight stitch:
Once the three edges are sewn, leaving about 2" open on one end for inserting your slide-y thing(s), start sewing your maze:
Insert the slide-y thing(s), sew up the opening and zig-zag the edges you sewed.
*12-3-2014: Little note--so far I've had two adults softly shriek and almost run away when they tested the fidget mats--they can't stand anything that feels like velvet! Who knew that was possible????? I guess I'm just not an empathetic person. So--never assume, right?
Try making some! Adjust the material and slide-y things according to the needs of your student, especially their safety if they put things in their mouth.
What a fabulous idea! Great way to use scraps from the sewing room too! Thanks for sharing.