Sunday, November 30, 2014

Jesse Tree Ornaments

If you work for a private or parochial school you might be interested in having your students make ornaments for Advent that illustrate the Jesse Tree idea (maybe you can tell that it's new to me--I don't know how to describe it!)

A friend showed me all these ornaments today and explained how her Kindergarten Sunday School class had decorated the pre-cut felt crown designs.  Other grades had made the more complicated ornaments and volunteers assembled the completed ornaments into boxes, one for each child.  Looks to me like a volunteer artist designed the box label; I have a weakness for woodcut designs.
Looking up "Jesse Tree" I found all kinds of styles of ornaments on Pinterest.  Who knew?  Seems like the gist of the idea is to have a visual way to explain Creation--Rebellion--Redemption.  If this isn't quite what is on the curriculum platter at your school, but you're interested, you can always try it at home...

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