When you only work with a student once a week you have to start your holiday-themed fine motor activities long before the special date actually arrives. On Monday I walked into a classroom to see the cute bread dough turkeys sitting, all lonely, on a drying rack because they hadn't been ready to head to the students' homes in time for Thanksgiving.
Well, we're starting our Christmas trees now so they'll be completed in time for December 17th--our last day of school before the break. This task is excellent for planning, size discrimination, sequencing, tracing, using paper clips (one smiley face slides on top of the paper and one smiley face goes under the paper,) cutting, assembling, glueing and creative decorating.

I usually make a tree alongside the students in order to model different ways to approach cutting, drawing decorations and sighing, "It's okay," when something doesn't turn out so perfect. I had a little guy start to tear up today because his first triangle wasn't perfect but he got over it by the third one. Besides, the trees look more artistic when they're not perfect.
P.S. Cutting out those pointy stars is pretty difficult and drawing them is downright impossible for many youngsters.
I like the triangle template for them to trace inside. Helps get the shape right.
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