Although these sculptures are created from clay, we can use flour/salt/water dough to produce our sculptures. Remember to poke a few holes where the tailfeathers will be inserted once the dough has hardened.
Welcome to a spot to share ideas for working with students in exceptional education in public schools. Please describe activities you've successfully used with students to improve fine motor and self-help skills. Creative classroom adaptations for sensory-based and ergonomic needs are sought. Technology applications, low and high tech, are appreciated. Above all--be positive and professional in sharing your experiences and ideas. Thanks.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Turkey Surprise
Although these sculptures are created from clay, we can use flour/salt/water dough to produce our sculptures. Remember to poke a few holes where the tailfeathers will be inserted once the dough has hardened.
No Money for Classroom Equipment? Be Creative
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Set Your Sinuses Free Soup
Assorted colorful vegetables totaling approx 4 cups, chopped
2 cups cooked brown rice
*Chopped, cooked chicken or other meat, approximately 1-2 cups.
32 oz. reduced-sodium chicken broth
Kosher salt, coarse-ground pepper, muchi curry powder** or other variety
2-3 Tbsp. olive oil
Heat oil in soup pan, add salt, optional lemon juice or vinegar and curry powder—stir frequently to avoid burning curry.
Add chopped vegetables, rice and pepper and stir frequently at medium temperature.
After vegetables are slightly tender and coated with spices, remove ½ vegetable/rice mixture and set aside to cool.
Add chicken broth (less ½ cup to aid in next step) to soup pan and simmer mixture.
Puree or partially-puree cooled vegetables (adding a little broth in the food processor or blender), then return them to soup pan. This thickens the soup a little.
Simmer until tough vegetables are tender and serve with crisp, dunking bread, if desired. Vegetables will still be slightly crisp the first time you serve it.
*Tastes great without the meat.
**Use 1 tsp. of curry powder the first time you try recipe and adjust to taste the next time. The curry taste is deeper if the vegetables and meat are coated and cooked with it, not if you just add it to the soup.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
At the Ladybugs Picnic

Monday, October 27, 2008
What's Your Choice?

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sketchin' Away
Monday, October 20, 2008
Who Knows the Mind That Lurks Inside?
Last week she was reading a chapter about Christopher Columbus to a group of students and one student, who has the diagnosis of Autism, seemed to not be paying any attention to the story. He was rocking and flailing his arms and looking everywhere but toward her. She felt an inspiration and asked him to stand up and draw scenes from the story she was reading.
He turned into Mr. Artist and drew these sketches. First, a boy reading a book about Christopher Columbus. Next, a boy thinking about the voyage Columbus made. Finally, Columbus preparing a map to chart his voyage.
Not only did the student draw this, he was able to point to the correct designs as the chapter was summarized by the SLP.
Who knows what's lurking in those seemingly inattentive, seemingly distractible minds of students we serve?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"P" is for Pizza!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fall Digs

Have you tried adapted gardening with your students? You know, dig a hole, pet the cat, put in the plant, pet the cat, water the plant, pet the cat...
A friend designed a raised, mini garden bed for me to use at schools. It's very portable and inexpensive to construct. Since the winter weather in Virginia is suitable for growing pansies and snapdragons I plan to have students do the prep work and planting during recess, then carry water from their classrooms to the planter on a regular basis to keep it watered sufficiently. Fall weather gardening is very forgiving since the plants probably won't shrivel up in the heat over the long weekends without daily watering.
Will post more photos of the planting adventures.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Square Sculpting

Cut up skinny, coffee stirrers into about 3" lengths and add some tacky putty. Have the student "warm up" the putty by squishing it with their fingers, then form small balls by rolling the putty between their palms or on the table surface.
Have your own set of stirrers and putty and model, step by step, the way to make a square. If the student finds it to be easy, challenge their spatial and fine motor skills by asking them to make a cube. If necessary, make your own cube along with them, but see if they can imitate you without having to follow you step by step.
Another activity variation is to make a square, as described above, then have the students trace around its exterior to draw a square on their paper. Next, have them start a new square on their paper by putting a dot outside the four corners of their 3-D square, remove it from the paper, then connect the dots on their paper. Follow this up by seeing if they can draw a square freehand with better skill than they demonstrated prior to their session with the stirrers and putty.
When the student brings back their finished cube to the classroom their peers will be in awe.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Reminding the Reminder(er)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Lighten the Load of Poor Handwriting

CLASSROOM QUANDRIES: So what do I do about…
A poor grasp of the pencil
The first few weeks of the school year are truly a new beginning for all of us. We return to school with fresh ideas and renewed enthusiasm. It's a time of new beginnings for our students, too.
Most of our students have taken a long break from the typical school activities they now use each day--writing, cutting with scissors, organizing their notebooks and desks.. This is a great time for us to help them start off the year with good habits for these frequently-used skills. For kindergarten students just beginning their school career it's a golden opportunity for them to learn great skills from the very start.
Let's think about how to promote a good grasp of the pencil, crayon or marker. You probably remember from watching your own child develop that hand skills progress in a very orderly fashion, just like all other areas of child development. Babies use their entire hand to pick up a leftover Cheerio. When they get older and toddle around they start to use their thumb and fingers to pick up blocks and small toys.
Using a writing instrument is a skill that also follows an orderly progression. Two-year-olds grab a crayon with their whole hand and scribble everywhere. A four-year-old child may use his thumb to squeeze the crayon tightly against his curled fingers.
Children use different ways of grasping things according to the way the writing surface is placed. If they draw or paint on an easel they tend to use their thumbs and first two fingers to hold the pencil or brush. The same is true if they lie down on their tummies and color while lying on the floor. Having the writing surface on a flat table requires lots of active work from the wrist and this is where you will often see an immature or inefficient grasp.
Keep in mind that in order to have a good grasp a child must have normal strength in his arms and hands. It has been my experience that many typical children and teens do not have even average strength, and this can lead to fatigue when writing. When I question these students about their leisure activities and home chores, I usually learn that they lead sedentary lifestyles and do not have home responsibilities that involve physical work.
But here we are in school and we have some students who demonstrate very unusual grasps. A few of these students complain of pain in their hands after just a little bit of writing. What are we to do? Let's try a few things.
1. Model an efficient grasp. Training good habits takes months of repetition. Take ten seconds each time you present a new alphabet letter or begin a writing assignment to point out the correct grasp of the pencil. If you use some type of reward system in your classroom include correct grasp as a behavior to reward.
2. Use pencil grippers sparingly. Very few students truly require any adaptive equipment. If you do supply these grippers to your students make sure you point out how to place them on the pencil for the right or left hand, and the correct placement of the fingers according to the marked area(s) on the grippers. When you see that a student does not really use the gripper then save it for another student.
3. Go back to penmanship basics. Remember to train the students to tilt their writing paper to the right or left, according to their hand dominance. Make sure they reposition the paper as they write farther and farther down the page. Otherwise, they will bend their wrists to be able to write on the lower lines.
4. Take a tip from professionals. When you think of a draftsman's or architect's table, what picture comes to your mind? I hope your strongest image is that of the tilt to the table. What about an artist's easel--very angled. These professionals use angled work surfaces to improve their reach and visual monitoring of their work. In schools this can be copied in inexpensive ways.
--First, use the easels, chalkboards and windows in your classrooms as angled work surfaces for your students. A portion of writing or drawing time can be spent at an angled surface to reinforce using an efficient grasp.
--Another way to design a more angled surface in the classroom is to use empty 2" or 3" ring binders, positioned sideways, as inexpensive easels. As long as the student remembers to push the writing paper upward as he writes lower on the page these binders make suitable easels.
5. Permit students to write while lying down on the floor. The hand will essentially be in the same position as when writing on an easel. Keep in mind that this position is fatiguing so don't expect most students to maintain the position for more than a few minutes at first.
One note about fatigue and discomfort reported by students. A small number of students are accustomed to equating everyday exertion with discomfort and even pain. None of us would ever consciously push a student to the point where the amount of writing or other work was so extreme that it would invoke a pain response. Some students need an initial period of "hardening" so that they will maintain a constant level of schoolwork.
6. You'll love this one. Help your students develop strength in their hands by having them work at school. Passing out stacks of books to classmates and alphabetizing the classroom library books are examples of suitable jobs that incorporate some hand exercise.
Now that you've read all of this information I will share just a little bit more with you. In a perfect world and in a perfect classroom, every student and adult would have textbook perfect grasp and handwriting. No hands would ever fatigue or develop calluses and everyone's handwriting would be legible.
However...just walk into any classroom for gifted students, your surgeon's office or even the check-writing ledge at the grocery store and observe how people hold a pen and write. You will find that there are very few students and adults who have a perfect grasp. For a typical student, having a inefficient grasp is a non-issue and does not impact their academic success at all. But for students who are easily discouraged,
process information at a slower rate than others, have less than average strength or are sensitive to how they compare to their friends then an inefficient grasp is just one more rock to add to their heavy packs.
Let's lighten the journey by helping our students develop efficient work habits this year. With a strong foundation of good habits we can go forward with another year of solid growth in our students.
October Has Begun
Even though we have four cats and two dogs, Galadriel is the queen bee. She lurks in waiting behind a tree along the route my dogs take when it’s feeding time for the horses and cows, and she’ll lurch out from her hiding place with paw outstretched to bat my chocolate lab in the face. Galadriel knows her attack is unnecessary for my kinder, gentler english springer spaniel, but she must put Coco in her place on a regular schedule.
When I arrive home from work, Galadriel is waiting on the steps. As I collect the mountain of stuff I haul into the house each night she walks over to join me at the car. That means putting everything back in the car for a few minutes, but she must be held and petted.
Now that she’s fairly deaf her insistent meowing is quite loud, but all the better. She watches my face and sees my lips move, then meows in return to answer the same questions I’ve been asking her for over twelve years. “How are you, how was your day, did you catch any mousies today?”
This might be her last October since the vet said she has breast cancer. I watch her for signs of pain, but have to remind myself that animals don’t fuss about pain the way I do. They feel it, but they don’t analyze it or get anxious about what the future holds. They have things to do.
I hope you have a cat, or at least a dog or friends, who are there to listen to you at the end of the day. Someone you can ask the important questions of friendship, “How are you, how was your day, did you learn anything new today?”
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Potato People Village
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Improving Scissor Use

Use thick paper or recycled manila folders and create interesting "stickers" for them to cut. Of course, these stickers will only stick when glue is added to the back. The thickness of the paper will aid in decreasing the wobble factor as they cut.
Show them how they can cut in toward the middle from one side of the paper at first, then turn the paper around to cut in toward the middle from the opposite side.
In some cases you may want to use a hot glue device* to create a little ridge on top of the cutting line. Hot glue dries much faster than white glue, but keep the device* far away from your students. If it's difficult to see the glue line in the above photo, try double clicking on the photo.
*We all call this a hot glue_ _ _, but I want the blog to pass through everyone's filters.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Showtime in the Classroom
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
e-friendly crafts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Raise Your Hand For Writing

Monday, September 15, 2008
The Foundation of Handwriting
More of the Scott Method for Organizing Your Desk
6. Open your pencil box. Throw away trash (crayon covers, broken pencils.)
If you have extra crayons or pens or markers then get a ziploc bag to store the extras at school. Ask your teacher where you should store them at school. Or, you might take the extras home.
7. Now, put reading books and your pencil box in the empty side of your desk.
8. Look through your folders or binders and rearrange any folded, crumpled or loose papers.
Look through your binder(s) and make sure papers are put away in the right subject areas.
9. If you have a large ruler, put it in the front of your desk, in the pencil tray.
10. Make sure you have two sharpened pencils in your pencil tray (inside your desk, in the front.)
1. Go through your backpack. Throw away unnecessary papers, pencils. Shake out crumbs and dirt over the trashcan or outside.
2. Sharpen your pencils and colored pencils.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Scott Method of Organizing Your Desk
3. Wipe out the inside of the desk with a damp paper towel, then dry it with a dry paper towel.
4. Inside the desk, stack textbooks, workbooks and folders on just one side.
--Make sure the most often-used things are on top of the stack.
--Put things away so you can read the covers without having to turn them around.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Woe The Desk
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Where Is My Pencil???

Fidget Ideas for Middle Schoolers
Some of these items can be used during academic work and some can be used for brief breaks in the routine. Hopefully, using typical care routines (washing hands, filing nails, using lotion) will provide helpful sensory input and diminish the distractions of rough nails, snaggy cuticles, built-up dirt or other matter on the hands.
"Chinese" finger puzzle (braided cylinder that both index fingers are inserted into and can only be removed by relaxing the hands)
Tanglo connecting toy that twists into lots of shapes
Spirograph activities (will probably need to get a second spirograph for the classroom)
Crunchy foods available between meals
Ready made inexpensive dough with lots of seasonings added--bag for each student.
Frequent handwashing with soap & water kept in the classroom
Rubbing pleasant-smelling lotion on hands and forearms
Keep kit for each student with emery board, nail clippers, comb and have them use with supervision (file nails out of doors if possible!) Note: be aware that some schools have policies regarding using nail clippers in school buildings; by students using the tool independently or even when adults use the tool. Your school nurse might provided insight into the school policy.
Scent containers--Save plastic spice containers and place small amounts of strong-smelling spices/extracts in the different containers. Have students sniff the container, then match the container with a card bearing the name or picture of the spice. (Thanks to Thelma White of Amelia Street School for this activity.) Select a variety of twist open and pop open containers for good IP joint stabilization exercises.
Heavy Work Activities: (Some therapists have reported that incorporating heavy work activities into the school routine several times a day often reduces a student's frequency of fidgeting during academic tasks).
Chair push-ups (hold both sides of chair and try to raise body off chair seat)
Theraband exercises, lifting water weights
Dig up ground outside school building to plant seeds or annuals--measure height of plants receiving weekly fertilizer vs. plants with only water. Use gallon milk cartons to carry water from building to garden, varying amount of water and hopefully increasing volume as the weeks pass.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Race Has Almost Started
I've posted a photo of a fun activity a student loved several years ago. He had pretty low muscle tone and we used those wonderful Wikki Stix to reach up against gravity and make 3-D doodles on a painted cinderblock wall. No mess to clean up--I promise!