Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Personal Space

Yesterday I saw one of my high school teachers for students with autism wearing a lanyard with several communication symbols attached; this one caught my eye:

I need one of these, desperately, to help me with a Kindergarten student who practically climbs in my lap while we're working together.  That's okay for my personal children (when they were much smaller) but not the students I work with.  From time to time I've noticed that the students who consistently enter my personal space sometimes do so to distract me from noticing that they haven't followed through on the direction I just gave them...

Another great communication tool/behavior helper on her lanyard serves to visually remind students to identify and label their level of emotion (5 Point Scale*):
I could use this all day long, with students and to help my colleagues understand what they're dealing with when interacting with me...

*5 Point Scale:  https://www.5pointscale.com/

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