Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Make It, Take It--a Weighted Lap Pad for Students

Last Thursday a bunch of OTs on our staff spent a couple of hours getting stuck in duct tape and spilling rice all over ourselves--it was fun!  We used this tutorial to make different sized weighted lap pads for use with students:  http://otinpublicschools.blogspot.com/2014/12/rice-duct-tape-baggies-thats-all-you.html

Thank you, Lauren, for the publicity!
Here are some photos from our session--Susan donated lots of pretty duct tape from home projects and that sure made the plain lap pads more interesting.

When you run out of hands...

Tie-dye duct tape--wowie zowie!

Add a handle for attaching fidget toys.

Different sizes for different size laps.

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