Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Smoothies for Summer

My SLP buddy and I ended our "College Cooking" groups with a personal favorite--Smoothies!

Students were not required to consume the end product; several shared with classmates or eager adults.  Our high school students with autism don't always trust us when we tell them something tastes good, so they relax a little when they know they don't have to actually put anything in their mouths.

As usual, my buddy created the board with picture symbols needed for the task:

So the fun began--students practiced ripping off the seal from the ziplock top bags and put their fruit selections into the blender.  The orange juice wasn't quite defrosted so students had to use a spoon to scoop the concentrate into the blender.  For this smoothie we just used ice and orange juice for the liquid, no frozen yogurt.

We did add a little water so the mixture would blend, then it was time to brave the blender and listen to the very loud grinding and feel the vibration of the contraption as it whirled the chunks of ice and fruit.

We discovered that some batches were very, very tart due to using too much OJ concentrate.  However, we managed to drink them up without too much grimacing.

Summer and Smoothies--looking forward to savoring some homemade concoctions in another week or so!

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