Thursday, April 3, 2014

Customizing a Fine Motor Activity

For the last few weeks I've enjoyed having a FW1 student with me on Thursday mornings.  Today she planned the fine motor session for one of my elementary-age students, using an activity she customized for his interests.
During a meeting with his family a couple of weeks ago we heard that the student loves all kinds of animals--so Dana created a cutting, writing and memory activity to match his interest in all things slitherly or furry.
The neon-colored paper also captured his attention as he practiced cutting along the lines, which Dana had widened just a tad to give him a better "road" for his scissors to follow.  She noted that he did not always keep his fingers on the scissors in the same manner and attempted some pretty creative grasp patterns during the session.  This was his best grasp of the scissors, which is just fine.
Now it was time to name those critters.  Writing on a vertical surface wasn't the sure cure for his inefficient grasp pattern.  After the session Dana and I discussed ideas for how to promote a better pencil grasp next time. 
In between there were some short breaks and the student practiced doing chair push-ups, to improve his hand/arm strength.  Back to the activity. 
The memory game should have been lots more fun than cutting and writing, but our student decided that he wasn't good at it so Dana had to coax some self-confidence and participation out of him.
After the student returned to class Dana and I discussed his boundary-testing behavior and the fine motor skills he needs to improve to perform more effectively during classroom tasks.

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