Friday, September 13, 2013

Modeling Clay--the next step up

Are You Ready for Modeling Clay???
Yesterday a teacher buddy recommended a brand of clay for elementary-age students, but I must have written the name down wrong because I couldn't find it via my Internet searches.  Oh well,  I came across this interesting post from an artist-daddy and it inspired me to break out of my rut and try some modeling clay with students.  I'm no artist but some of my students are and I think using the clay will provide them with great proprioceptive input to their finger joints, in an age-appropriate kind of way.

1 comment:

  1. HI
    That modeling clay package is from Hobby Lobby!! ha! I love Hobby Lobby so much and recognize that package! I looked on their site, but didn't see that particular package but I have see this one there. I believe its in the kid area around the school supplies, but they also have an art department with LOTS of clay options!!!


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