Friday, August 23, 2013

Sensory Break Idea

One of my friends told me a funny, therapy-ish story this week.  Her family was visiting distant relatives over the summer and her young daughter was contentedly exploring the playroom.  The adults, chatting in the kitchen, noticed that all was quiet in the house.  They went to see what the little girl was up to and found her sitting on auntie's new bath rug--rubbing her palms back and forth over the plush, soft surface.
Rug Picture

Smiling, the little sweetie looked up and asked, "May I take my socks off so I can wiggle my toes in the rug, it's so soft?"  Her bewildered parents told her sure, then added, "Just your socks, honey."

After a while the cutie rejoined the grown-ups in the kitchen but soon became bored with their conversation.  She began dancing around the table to pass the time and when this got a little rambunctious her auntie gently suggested, "Want to go back and sit on the rug?"

Maybe a similar item might be a nice sensory recoupment tool in our classrooms this year???

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