Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day Celebration

The middle schoolers in the classroom for students with significant cognitive disabilities celebrated May Day this morning.  Students started out their morning by watching a couple of brief videos of children performing May Day dances, so they'd know what fun was coming along. 

What did we use for the May Day pole?  A telescoping IV pole wrapped with a swim noodle.

 We did splurge and buy streamers at Wal-Mart for 97 cents apiece.  These were wrapped at one end around a cut out circle shape...

 ...and attached to the top crossbar of the IV pole.
 There, you can hardly see the IV pole underneath.
Our RN walked the May Pole down to the front office and we all followed.  8 adults and 7 students performed for administration and school visitors.  Good PR, I think.
Sorry, no more fun photos.  My camera battery gave out once the music and dancing started, shucks.

Afterwards, we filled out worksheets based on the activity, with students choosing their responses by dabbing the correct answer with bingo daubers. 

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