Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Stained Glass-ish Valentine Heart Cards

Use a recycled manila folder to steady a taped-on Valentine heart shape.  Now, tape a piece of tracing paper over the top of the heart shape and color real hard!  No light coloring--students must press hard!
 Select a piece of construction paper that's approximately the same dimensions as your tracing paper.
Trace carefully around the outside border.  Then, pop a hole in the center of the heart as an entry for your scissors.  That helper hand has to keep the heart shape steady even though there's a little tape roll under the center of the heart.
Cut out the heart but force yourself not to let your scissors wander over to the edge of the paper.
Use glue to "draw" several concentric roads around the cut-out heart shape.  Are you a good glue driver?
Place your construction paper so the heart window fits over your tracing paper heart.  Then write a mooshy note to your mom or sweetie.  I had some sample sayings for the students to copy and a few students composed their own message.
Go wild with your coloring on the tracing paper--dainty coloring won't show up well.  Press hard!  It's tricky 'cause the tracing paper shifts around easily on the surface even though it's secured on four sides with tape.  Students really have to grade the intensity of their pressure when coloring.
When you're finished coloring, carefully pull up the tape because that tracing paper is very thin and fragile.

This is the back view of an assembled project.  Now, punch two holes at the top of your finished work so you can thread a string through the holes and create a picture hanger.

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