Monday, January 14, 2013

Rainbow Snowflakes--No Two are the Same

Who says snowflakes should only be white!!!???  Let's jazz them up a little.

This activity is great for experiencing the gooiness of glue, the grittiness of regular salt and coarse salt, paying close attention to the structure of the shape you're designing or tracing and waiting, waiting, waiting for the salt/glue shape to dry before you can have fun painting your snowflakes.

Give your students a choice of large or small snowflake templates to trace.  Pop open that glue bottle and squeeze hard.
Carefully place your paper inside a box lid or pan and gradually shake a little salt over the design. 

Once you've put quite a lot of salt on your design, shake, shake, shake the paper around to distribute the salt over the whole gluey outline.

I made some freehand designs the night before, to have ready for the students to "paint" with the food dye the next morning.
We're not going for perfect here.
Time to mix up the "paint."  Pour about 2 tsp. of water into each muffin well.

Add a 1" ribbon of food dye gel or a few drops of food coloring.
Stir out the little wormies until you get a deep color.
Go ahead and make some more.  Observe your student's "power grasp" as they use the glue bottle.
The snowflakes created by the students needed to dry before they could be painted, so we had the students paint the snowflakes and hands I had made the night before.
Let students share the muffin tin full of "paint."  Cotton tips or science class pipettes work well as applicators.  You can see a lot of organizational approaches as you watch the students coloring their designs.

Snowflakes and hands--no two are the same.

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