Have you used the On-Screen Keyboard, one of the Accessibility features found in Windows? You can drag it over to where your student's text is located on the screen so the student can view it while it's close to the text they've written on the computer.
You can use the regular keyboard at the same time you use the mouse to click letters/symbols, in case an adult or other student is taking turns using the keyboard to write while the first student writes with the mouse.
Now that I have Windows 7 I can enlarge the On-Screen Keyboard to increase its visability; an improvement over past versions.
Welcome to a spot to share ideas for working with students in exceptional education in public schools. Please describe activities you've successfully used with students to improve fine motor and self-help skills. Creative classroom adaptations for sensory-based and ergonomic needs are sought. Technology applications, low and high tech, are appreciated. Above all--be positive and professional in sharing your experiences and ideas. Thanks.
I didn't know about this feature. I will definitely try it out! Thanks for sharing!