Thursday, October 18, 2012

Zombie Pumpkins

Some kids thought the idea of zombie pumpkins was cool, some thought it was scary.

Are you brave enough to make a Zombie Pumpkin???
Use a light color crayon to make heavy shading on construction paper, with the sandpaper pumpkin shape underneath.  Similar idea to making "rubbings" from tombstones.  You can usually find tombstones in cemeteries, where Zombie Pumpkins hang out after Halloween.
Use a template (this one is a leaf) to go back and outline your "rubbing" with a contrasting color.  This one will be a sweet maple leaf design, not a Zombie Pumpkin.
 Be sure to practice writing the name of your creation, using correct letter formation.
 Each student grasped the crayon in their own way, to generate enough power to create the rubbing.
 Red is a good accent color for Zombie Pumpkin eyes.
It took some practice to squeeze a skinny strand of glue to outline the pumpkin without the glue glopping all over.
 Make the eyes real spooky.

Sprinkle a tad of cinnamon all around the pumpkin, then shake off the excess and save it on a piece of paper.
 Some students stay more alert when they're standing.  Who says we have to sit all the time in school???

We had quite a bit of cinnamon leftover from the first two students, so we used it up for the last go round.  Cinnamon feels so soft in your fingers.

Oops!  Forgot to take shots of the finished Zombie Pumpkins.  Check back later!

10-24-2016--Erica just contributed:  "My kids have LOVED this idea! Great for those kiddos that are working on grading movement/pressure to have their writing show up on paper! I have a class of 5 boys for SOL Aut- how perfect was this!"

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