Saturday, September 15, 2012

Miniature Sequencing Activity

One of the teachers for high schoolers with autism uses this compact pre-vocational assembly activity to help students practice sequencing.  The little yellow containers are "party" size Play-Doh tubs which are pushed into cut-out circles on a large shoebox.
Wouldn't say it's the easiest task to do if you have difficulties with fine motor coordination and it's not anywhere near the actual size of its real-life counterparts, but it sure keeps your attention visually and is also a clever fidget toy. 


  1. Where did you find these pieces?

  2. Thanks for writing. This activity was created by a teacher friend and I think she just used a mini children's "play" food set. You might look at a store like WalMart, Michael's or Ben Franklin to find a similar one. Karen


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