Saturday, July 7, 2012

Prepping for Disneyworld

What does any self-respecting occupational therapist do on a hot summer day in Virginia, when the temps are 100+ degrees fahrenheit???  Well, she herds all her family members outside to the front yard, where all the neighbors can watch and gawk, while mom and dad and grandma and aunts and all the kids create their own Mickey Mouse tie-dye t-shirts.

If you knew this OT you'd understand--her family is nuts over Disneyworld and they probably travel to Florida at least once a year to wait their turn for rides in the long lines in the oppressing heat.  Their teenage sons even ask to go on the trip; that's total indoctrination to me.  Have to admit, though, that the colors in the shirts are gorgeous even if they have that famous shape in the middle.

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