The last few days of the school year are a little jumbled and activity planning (on my part) isn't always top notch. This morning I primarily wanted to review the students' progress on their annual goals and the rest of the time we did fun, fine motor work with items available in the classroom.
I think this rack of shapes was originally purchased by the teacher as a shape counter; it reminds me of the colors many educational toys were manufactured in back in the 80's. Since the shapes were a little smaller than the typical puzzle pieces I usually use for bilateral coordination activities I thought they would make a nice challenge for this student's current skills.
Oh, yes--my sweetie had quite a time coordinating his hands to hold the paper, place the shape right next to a similarly-drawn shape (2 circles touching each other---2 diamonds touching each other...), keep that all stable while tracing around the small shapes. Whew! First we drew the shapes and then I asked him to name the shapes so I could write their names. Next, he imitated my words.
It was a nice, difficult activity but not impossible. The best part is that it completely altered his attention to task. Sitting down and comfortably working at a table would have permitted him to pay attention to everything else in the room. Standing up at a vertical surface to work allowed the law of gravity to force his attention on the task.
Welcome to a spot to share ideas for working with students in exceptional education in public schools. Please describe activities you've successfully used with students to improve fine motor and self-help skills. Creative classroom adaptations for sensory-based and ergonomic needs are sought. Technology applications, low and high tech, are appreciated. Above all--be positive and professional in sharing your experiences and ideas. Thanks.
Nice task with good visuals. I am hoping over the summer I can become refreshed; develop a new outlook on my role as an OT in the schools, along with new activities to incorporate.