As an activity to provide proprioceptive input for sensory regulation, we practiced using therapy/exercise bands for in-class upper body strengthening. Of course, we included some academics along the way...
I had brought a 200" length of medium resistance band and we had four students in the group---how many inches would each student potentially receive if we all had equal lengths??? Once that was determined, the students set to work measuring 50" lengths of band.
No, no--I didn't tell them they could fold the whole length in half then half again. How would we experience this wonderful, cooperative activity if I revealed that simple shortcut?
It's easier to maintain your grasp on the band if you knot the ends. Two students easily did this without any adult help, but one student spent about five anxious minutes trying to figure it out. But, she did it!
Be on the lookout for photos of our resistive exercises.
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