Monday, September 12, 2011

Video of Self-Calming Activities for Highschoolers

Here are two activities we used today in a classroom for high school students with autism.  The students were bouncy before we started but they sure got calmer and less fidgety for a while once we rolled out the "lotion" and "clay."

Video of Self-Calming Activities

This was a joint activity with the students, speech-language pathologist, instructional aides, teacher and occupational therapist working together in the classroom.  The teacher will include the activities in her menu of "sensory breaks" available to students during the day.

1 comment:

  1. Nice activities and dramatic video. I love the idea of the rubber bands on the bottle to prevent them from slipping. They eye droppers for fine motor but also to concentrate on something else to distract to assist in the self calming. Thanks for sharing. Can you embed animoto videos or no? Also, I liked your other video with the hole punching. Doesn't look like you can embed that one either. I only ask because I wanted to share the self calming one on my blog.


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