Two weeks ago we planted sunflower seeds with our highschoolers in a class for students with autism. It's a group activity--students, instructional assistants, OT and SLP. This morning we did a follow-up activity--planting green bean seeds in see-through baggies. We want the students to be able to view the roots as the seeds sprout and grow. So...
We scooped dirt into bags; not too much!
Great for observing the students' motor planning and willingness to reach down into a smelly bag of earth. One student didn't even have to look at what she was doing and she didn't spill a speck of dirt.
Then, drop a seed into the bag of earth.
Put about 10 teaspoonsfuls of water into the bag.
A couple of students could keep the water from spilling out of the teaspoon as it traveled from the cup to the bag.
Zip up those bags of dirt and hang them on clippy skirt hangers. Hang them in a sunny window and water every other day.
Zipping the bags tight and pinching open the clips on those hangers was not too easy for some students.
The speech-language pathologist has been helping students take photos of the sunflower pots with the little seedlings. In two weeks some of the plants have grown as high as 6". The classroom teacher made a chart for the students to record growth measurements.
The SLP also used this online activity with the students to follow up with vocabulary:
Help Plants Grow
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