Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Race Has Almost Started

Next Monday, August 25th, is the beginning of the school year for staff in our county. I'm pretty nervous about it since I haven't worked full-time with a caseload for several years and the last few years were spent as an assistive technology consultant. But, I'm going back to working with friends and a great OT/PT bunch so perhaps it won't be as worrisome as I anticipate.

I've posted a photo of a fun activity a student loved several years ago. He had pretty low muscle tone and we used those wonderful Wikki Stix to reach up against gravity and make 3-D doodles on a painted cinderblock wall. No mess to clean up--I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Very tactile and visually stimulating too! The really great thing about it is that you don't even need to find a table when space is at a premium!:0)


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