These spice containers were highlighted with permanent marker circles, matching the color of the inexpensive straws. In the background you can see another container with colorful toothpicks. Students really have to stabilize their thumb and first two fingers to pick up the straws and toothpicks in a way that they don't shimmy across a slippery table top.
Erica mentioned that she is making several sets of these activities, to show teachers how fast and easy they are to create.
Remember to use caution when students are engaged in this activity--items are easy to swallow. Review your school policy on using "Goo Gone" or other solvents in the work setting.
- Clean stickers and such off the jar with the Magic Clean Eraser and Goo Gone.
- If you’re using straws or pipe cleaners, cut them into smaller pieces.
- Mark the holes with colors for your kiddos to “sort” according to color!
Have students place straw/pipe cleaner pieces, toothpicks, beads, or tic-tacs into the jar holes and watch those fingers! Expand on this for more individualized learning.